is one of the strongest and probably most underrated abilities in EDH.
Being able to attack and defend with the same creatures gets better and
better with each additional opponent - making it good in star games and
fantastic in free-for-all. I’d consider it generally underrated because
the most playable vigilance creatures tend to have other, more
noticeable abilities (stonehewer giant, twilight shepherd). If a
creature just says “vigilance” its probably not great for EDH - although
it’d be a nice 4th edition throwback to run yotian soldier in some kind
of equipment or artifact deck.
my early EDH days I actually ran a “vigilance” deck using Johan as my
commander, capitalizing on cards like mossbridge troll and glare of subdual. As you can imagine a 6 mana serra’s blessing is not exactly the
hotness and the deck was good for a laugh but not much else. I think
Johan would be interesting if he was like a 1/7 defender with hexproof.
As printed though he might as well have defender, dies to everything,
and at 5/4 is a pretty lousy blocker.
I’ve been musing over a true vigilance deck with something like Ith or Konda as a general. The problem is there are only about 20 EDH-worthy
creatures that have vigilance, and while most are monowhite some of the
best ones require red and green (godsire, megalanoth, bull ceradon). For
the theme to be noticeable you’d have to expand the creature base to
include crap like abbey griffin, and while it would be unexpected, it
would also be crap, and a true macaroni card should be both unexpected
and relevant.
the vigilance deck isn’t quite there yet, I’m still thinking cards that
grant vigilance are probably better than I give them credit for. The
obvious one would be serra’s blessing, but there’s a much better option
at half the cost and twice the power level that I’ve played in a few
decks over the years:
am pretty sure the printing of reconnaissance was a mistake. The
reminder text on the card suggests wizards wanted you to have to choose
between dealing damage and untapping your creature - not do both. But
magic is a tricky, technical game with more phases and sub-phases than
most players realize. “Combat” breaks down (roughly) like this:
1. Declare combat (no more sorceries until after combat, last chance to tap down possible attackers)
2. Declare attackers (“when X attacks” triggers go off)
3. Declare blockers (“when X blocks” triggers go off)
4. Damage resolves (does not use the stack, no responses allowed)
5. End of combat
can cast spells and use abilities anywhere along the chain except step
4, but it’s the 5th step that matters for reconnaisance. At this point
your creatures are still considered to be “attacking creatures” and thus
still eligible to be untapped with reconnaisance. This will of course
have no effect on damage dealt/received as that step already happened -
effectively giving all of your creatures vigilance.
this step rarely matters, it was actually useful in scars of mirrodin
limited with the card dispense justice. A player could block to kill off
any small attackers, taking damage from a larger one, and then after
damage (and death) cast dispense justice forcing the attacker to sac his
big creature assuming it was the only “attacking creature” remaining.
Not a frequent use of the card, but often a relevant one.
end-step vigilance trick is of course an unintentional side-effect of
reconnaisance. It still preforms its originally intended purpose of
making you immune to combat tricks and able to swing with reckless
abandon, removing anything in danger of dying from combat for the low,
low cost of zero mana. On an enchantment that costs one mana, this is
already a huge ability - the unintentional addition of serra’s blessing
onto the card makes it bonkers.
Macaroni or Cheese
like this card for how it enables a player to turn guys sideways with
impunity, but I do not believe wizards ever intended the card to be able
to do what it does. While it wasn’t banned or errata’d, its in the same
club with jitte, mindsculptor, and rancor - even if it is by far the
least offensive of the group.
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