a funny story about this card. My old playgroup did a shards of alara
“league” (mix of sealed and block constructed), and when we saw this
card each of us had to take a turn reading it to fully appreciate how
bad it was (seemed). For seven mana you might deal damage if a creature
dies... even in that format it was unlikely for someone to have more
than a card or two in hand if there was 7 mana on the board so you were
looking at trying to kill four creatures just to make the damage
comparable to a lava axe. This was of course, before any of us had heard
of EDH/Commander.
the card needed was extra players around the table, longer games, and
more prolific card drawing or card advantage... sound familiar? EDH
provided the environment this card really needed, propelling it from
absolute trash to borderline overpowered. It is not uncommon to be able
to 1-shot a player with vicious shadows the turn after playing it. A 5
player game will usually have at least 5 creatures around the table -
sometimes a lot more. Firing off a wrath after laying down shadows is
usually good for 5-10 triggers, and most players maintain hands of 4-6
cards throughout a game of EDH. That’s 20-60 damage to distribute as you
please in a single turn.
upside of the card is it creates an incentive for people to dump their
hands so that they aren’t vulnerable to it. The downside is sometimes
its just not possible to do before you get dinged for massive amounts of
life. A hand full of situational answers, or 7CMC bombs, just cannot be
dumped at will.
upside is that it can be a straightforward equalizer if you go for the
players with the highest life totals rather than the ones with the most
cards in hand. Its only as much of a bastard card as you make it -
although sometimes its too hard to resist hitting the guy with a 7 card
grip, whatever his life total may be.
Macaroni or Cheese?
on the fence with how brutal this card is. Its really a question of how
much you can do about it before you succumb to the shots-to-the-face.
Often you’ll have just one turn to respond, and if you don’t have a
disenchant in hand too bad for you. So yeah, its an EDH bomb - on the
line between tolerably and intolerably cheesey.
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